Prospective Clients: Institutions
Our Core Investment Services
David Vaughan Investments, LLC is uniquely suited to address the investment needs of a variety of institutional & small business clients. Whether it’s a retained earnings account for a corporation, the investment assets of foundation and endowments or the retirement plan of a small business owner, DVI’s experienced investment professionals and time tested investment strategy differentiate us from our peers.
DVI Consulting Group
In 1995, to address the needs of sponsors of participant directed retirement plans, Taft Hartley plans and other organizations that desire exposure to a broad range of asset classes, we established DVI Consulting Group. Services designed to assist in managing Fiduciary Responsibilities include: the Development of Investment Policy Statements, the Selection and Monitoring of Investment Options, Performance Reporting and Investment Communication and Education Services for plan participants.
DVI Foundation Services
DVI understands the needs of a private foundation and has a full suite of services to assist with grant processing, investment policy statements, corporate governance, comprehensive reporting, and of course, investment management.